(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person hereafter to dig into or in any manner break up any of the roads, avenues, or other highways in the village, or any sidewalks, or raise or break up any part of any of the pavements or curbstones thereon for any purpose, without a permit from the Mayor or proper committee of Council, or unless in pursuance of an ordinance or resolution of Council. Any person engaged in or employing others in excavation in any of the roads, avenues, or other highways, shall have the roads, avenues, or highways protected by suitable barriers against accident to person or property.
   (B)   When any person desires to dig up or make an opening in any of the streets or alleys of the village, he shall make application to the Clerk of the village for a permit to do so and, in addition to the fee provided for the permit, he shall post a bond with the Clerk in the sum of $1,000 for each digging up or opening, which deposit shall be held by the village as a pledge for the prompt and proper restoration of the street or alley so dug up or opened, and shall be returned to the person when the street or alley shall have been so restored, or in the event of his failure to do so, shall be used by the village in the restoration thereof.
('56 Code, § 7-14) Penalty, see § 95.99