(A)   For the purpose of so investigating charges against the head of any department or officer, the Council may issue subpoenas or compulsory process to compel the attendance of persons and the production of books and papers before the Council and may provide by ordinance for exercising and enforcing this provision.
   (B)   In all cases in which the attendance of witnesses may be compelled for an investigation, any member of the Council may administer the requisite oaths, and the Council shall have the same power to compel the giving of testimony by the attending witnesses as is conferred upon courts of justice. In all cases, witnesses shall be entitled to the same privileges, immunities, and compensation as are allowed witnesses in civil cases, and the costs of all these proceedings shall be payable from the general fund of the municipal corporation.
('56 Code, § 17-8)
Statutory reference:
   Oaths and compulsory testimony, see R.C. § 733.39
   Power of legislative authority, see R.C. § 733.38