5-1-2: CHIEF OF POLICE 1 :
   A.   Appointment; Qualifications: The chief of police, with proper law enforcement experience and educational background, shall be appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the board of trustees. (Ord. 81-11, 5-19-1981)
   B.   Powers And Duties:
      1.   Enforcement Powers: The chief of police shall be the chief law enforcement officer of the village and shall have full authority and power as a peace officer and shall direct the police force in the exercise of its peace officer authority and power according to 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/7-4-8.
      2.   Attend Meetings Of Board Of Trustees: The chief of police or his designee shall attend all meetings of the village board of trustees. He shall carry out all lawful orders of the board and shall make regular reports of matters concerning the duties of his office. (2001 Code)



1. See also title 1, chapter 7, article H of this code.