A. The mayor is hereby authorized to suspend or revoke a business registration thereby causing the cessation of business when:
1. The business operation constitutes a clear and present danger to the public safety, health or general welfare.
2. The registration application information is fraudulent, false or deceptive.
B. If a registration is suspended or revoked the business will be notified immediately either in person by an officer of the village or by phone. A follow up written notice will be sent by certified mail. Both notifications will include the reason that caused the action. A suspension or revocation shall remain in place until rescinded by the mayor or by a successful appeal to the Glen Carbon village board of trustees.
C. An appeal of the suspension must be requested by the registrant and is allowed at either:
1. The next regular scheduled village board meeting, or
2. A special meeting if the special meeting meets village ordinances and the business has been given at least three (3) days' notice or has waived the three (3) day requirement.
D. The village attorney shall present the complaint and represent the village. The registrant is allowed council and has the right to submit evidence and cross examine witnesses. A simple majority of the village board is required to rescind the suspension or revocation. In case of a tie, the mayor will cast the deciding vote.
E. The village will keep an electronic record of the hearing. If either party requires a transcript that party shall pay the cost of the transcription.
F. Revocation of a business registration shall not preclude prosecution or imposition of other penalties for the violation of any other ordinance of the village. (Ord. 2007-24, 12-11-2007)