There shall be a preliminary development plan and a final development plan, defined as follows:
   (A)   Preliminary development plan. A preliminary development plan is a site plan by which, at the early stages of development design, the Joint City-County Planning Commission may consider, approve and restrict many major aspects of the development without requiring an undue amount of final design work on the part of the developer. The preliminary development plan is less detailed and specific than a final development plan in terms of exact arrangement of buildings, parking areas, open spaces, access points and any other site design features. No building permits can be issued based upon a preliminary development plan.
   (B)   Final development plan. A final development plan is a site plan from which a building permit will be sought. A final development plan is intended to deal with site design issues at a detailed level and to actually dictate the approved locations of buildings, parking areas, open spaces, access points and any other site design features.
(1989 Code, § 152.19) (Ord. 1975, passed 9-28-1992; Am. Ord. 2026, passed 8-23-1993)