Upon a filed complaint, in writing (see Form CE-2) by a tenant that a property owner either willfully or unknowingly has violated the Property Maintenance Code the owner shall be contacted and a site visit by the Building Inspector or Code Enforcement Officer shall take place.
   (A)   The Property Maintenance Code checklist (see Form CE-3) shall be used and noted violations shall be corrected in an appropriate amount of time determined by the Building Inspector or Code Enforcement Officer.
   (B)   Before the site visit is to take place the tenant shall provide evidence that the owner has been contacted prior to filing the complaint about the reported issue. Copy of a mailed letter, e-mail or fax shall constitute evidence of the notice. Notice shall state the date it was sent to ensure ample time has been given to the property owner to correct the issue (timing will vary based on situation, to be determined by Code Enforcement Officer).
   (C)   If the property owner refuses to meet on the site of the alleged violation it shall be noted by the Building Inspector and the Code Enforcement Officer and the inspection shall take place if the tenant signs the “Consent to Inspection” (see Form CE-1).
(Ord. 2871, passed 8-24-2015)