§ 150.05 FIRE LANES.
   (A)   Every commercial or industrial establishment which otherwise has provision for parking on premises, as required by the applicable zoning ordinance currently in effect, shall cause to be established in the front of each building a fire lane at least 13 feet, six inches in width; provided, however, that, the Chief of the Glasgow Fire Department may, upon request of any affected business owner, and for good cause shown based upon the size of the facility involved, peculiar topographic conditions or other factors, allow a fire lane of lesser width to be established.
   (B)   No building permit shall be issued with respect to the construction of a new commercial facility unless the plans for same provide for the designation of a fire lane in front of the building and the plans have been approved by the Chief of the Glasgow Fire Department.
   (C)   No parking shall be allowed in a fire lane.
   (D)   No merchandise shall be displayed in a fire lane.
   (E)   No person shall allow any vegetation, except grass, to be planted within two feet of any fire hydrant.
   (F)   No person shall park or cause to be parked a vehicle of any kind within ten feet of a fire hydrant.
(Ord. 2403, passed 1-28-2002) Penalty, see § 150.99