(A)   Application for a place of amusement license shall be made to the License Fee Division and shall be accompanied by the license fee required herein. The application shall show the name, age and address of an individual applicant; the persons entitled to participate in the profits, if a partnership applicant; the objects, the names and addresses of the officers and directors, if a corporate applicant, and whether or not one person owns a controlling interest in such corporation, and if so, the name and address of such person; and the names and addresses of the members thereof, if the applicant is a club or unincorporated association; the location and description of the place or premises where such place of amusement will be operated and conducted; whether or not any previous similar license has been applied for, the place of application, and the disposition of such application, and if revoked the reasons therefore; and whether or not the applicant, or any partner or shareholder has ever been convicted of a felony. A manager or agent must have the same qualifications as the person or firm to whom the license is issued. All applications shall be verified by the applicant or, if a corporation, by an authorized corporate officer thereof. A background check shall be run on the applicant and the owner(s), officers, or partners of applicant. The application shall contain a statement by the applicant that neither he nor the entity for which he is applying has not violated the provisions of this chapter, that he or the entity for which he is applying will not do so, and that he consents for himself and the entity for which he is applying to a cancellation of the license and privilege to do business in the event of any violation of any provision of this chapter.
   (B)   Public notice of application by advertisement in the newspaper of general circulation in the city for not less than ten consecutive days shall be required before any determination is made with respect to the application and the cost of said advertisement shall be borne by the applicant. The advertisement shall include a notification to the public that written objections may be lodged with the City of Glasgow's License Fee Division and shall include a deadline for lodging such objections. The advertisement shall further notify the public that persons lodging a written objection shall be required to personally defend the objection before the City Council. If no written objections are lodged by members of the public within the prescribed time period and the applicant otherwise satisfies the requirements contained herein, the application shall be approved by the City of Glasgow's License Fee Division without further proceedings. However, if written objections are lodged by the public, the application shall be presented to the Glasgow City Council at a regular meeting for approval or denial. The Glasgow City Council shall approve the application unless, based upon the written objections defended by persons lodging said objections who personally attend the proceeding, the Council determines that:
      (1)   The proposed application fails to satisfy the requirements set forth herein;
      (2)   The applicant is not of good moral character or will not, in the judgment of the Council, obey the law in the carrying out of the business for which the amusement license is sought;
      (3)   The applicant, within two years prior to the date of the filing of the application has been convicted, cited, or fined by a local, state or federal agency, government, or court of an illegal act relating to the operation of an amusement or the maintaining of a public nuisance; or
      (4)   Approving the application would endanger the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of the city.
(Ord. 2492, passed 6-28-2004)