The following uses and structures are permitted in the I-1 Light Industrial District:
   (A)   Manufacturing;
   (B)   Wholesaling, warehousing, transfer and storage and truck terminals;
   (C)   Service and repair establishments;
   (D)   Transportation and communication buildings and uses and utility substations;
   (E)   Lumber and building material yards, except secondhand;
   (F)   Bulk storage of flammable liquids;
   (G)   Laboratories;
   (H)   Veterinary establishments;
   (I)   Retail and eating establishments designed to serve the needs of this District;
   (J)   The above uses are subject to the following limitations:
      (1)   Manufacturing, processing and service and repair operations shall be conducted only within completely enclosed buildings.
      (2)   Uses shall conform to the following performance standards: no dust, vibration, gases or odors shall be produced which are perceivable beyond the boundary lines of the tract or lot on which the use is located and no smoke or noise shall be produced which is annoying or detrimental to neighboring properties.
      (3)   Development within the I-1 Zoning District shall comply with the landscaping requirements and landscape buffer area (LBA) requirements as set forth in § 158.028.
   (K)   Uses and structures which are customarily accessory clearly incidental to the above permitted uses, provided they are not of a nature of having characteristics prohibited under § 158.238.
(1989 Code, § 154.126) (Ord. 1063, passed 2-27-1967; Am. Ord. 2124, passed 8-28-1995; Am. Ord. 2542, passed 10-24-2005; Am. Ord. 2774, passed - -; Am. Ord. 2018-2916, passed 4-9-2018)