§ 158.225 PURPOSE.
   It is recognized that the Glasgow Zoning Ordinance provides zoning which allows all types of residential, commercial, office and professional and industrial uses and provides minimum standards in each zone to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the community. It is also recognized that such traditional zoning practices can, at times, restrict and hamper innovative, but proper approaches. This zoning classification is intended to establish areas which allow for innovation which may not be accomplished through traditional zoning techniques. Planned Unit Development zones are intended to: provide for flexibility which would not be possible using traditional techniques; promote the advantages of modern large-scale site planning for community development; to promote the efficient uses of land and minimize land use conflicts; to preserve, to the greatest extent possible, existing landscape features and amenities; provide more usable and suitably located recreational, public, and common facilities; to provide for development to further the implementation of the adopted comprehensive plan.
(Ord. 2018-2916, passed 4-9-2018)