(A)   In order to guide and assist the subdivider and, insofar as possible, to avoid later difficulties and delays, the subdivider shall consult with the Planning Department to discuss his plans for development and to be informed of any plans the city may have for the area.  Other city departments shall be consulted to assist in determining the feasibility of the plan in regard to water supply, sewage disposal, surface drainage, open space and related matters.  The preliminary plat shall be filed with the City Clerk in conformity with the requirements and specifications as set forth in the Subdivision Control Act.
   (B)   The following shall be shown on the preliminary plat:
      (1)   Proposed name of the subdivision and description of the land to be platted;
      (2)   Scale, optional, but not more than 200 feet to one inch;
      (3)   Date and cardinal point;
      (4)   The boundary lines, accurate in scale, of the tract to be subdivided;
      (5)   The location, widths, names of any existing streets within or adjacent to the tract and any other features such as the county drains, water courses, railroads, section lines, flood plains, existing building, and the like;
      (6)   Names, locations and widths of proposed streets, alleys, parks, lots, walkways and easements including those for utilities;
      (7)   The plat shall be prepared by a surveyor and show the names and addresses of the subdivider and the survey or along with his seal;
      (8)   All parcels of land proposed to be dedicated to public use and conditions of such dedication;
      (9)   When only a part of a tract is proposed to be subdivided, the layout of the remaining area shall be shown in sketch form;
      (10)    Boundary lines of adjacent tracts of unsubdivided and subdivided land showing existing streets and lots and ownership;
      (11)    Contours when required by the Planning Commission;
      (12)    The means of servicing the subdivision with utilities;
   (C)   Before acting on the preliminary plat, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing thereon, notifying the subdivider and owners of land immediately adjacent to the proposed subdivision by certified mail.
   (D)   Written approval of the Planning Commission shall be indicated on the preliminary plat along with any changes or requirements that the Planning Commission may make, constituting acceptance thereof as a basis for the preparation of the final plat.
   (E)   Approval of the preliminary plat shall be valid for a duration of not more than one year.
(Ord. 153, passed 5-20-69)