Any person who shall engage in any of the following acts shall be deemed a disorderly person within the terms of this subchapter:
   (A)   Commit an assault, or an assault and battery on any person;
   (B)   Be drunk in any public place or under the influence of any drug in any public place, and who is either endangering directly the safety of another person or of property, or is acting in a manner that causes a public disturbance;
   (C)   Engage in any indecent, insulting, immoral, or obscene conduct in any public place;
   (D)   Engage in peeping in the windows of any inhabited place;
   (E)   Beg in any public place;
   (F)   Swim or bathe in any public place without wearing proper apparel;
   (G)   Utter vile, profane or obscene language in any public place;
   (H)   Engage in fortune telling or pretend to tell fortunes for hire, gain, or reward;
   (I)   Make any immoral exhibition or indecent exposure of his or her person;
   (J)   Summon, as a joke or prank or otherwise without any good reason therefor, by telephone or otherwise, the Police or the Fire Department or any public or private ambulance to go to any address where the service called for is not needed;
   (K)   Destroy, injure or in any manner deface any drinking fountain located in the city or throw or deposit any substance therein, or in any manner pollute the water in the basin of any fountain or detach the cups or other parts of such drinking fountain;
   (L)   Insult, accost, molest, or otherwise annoy, either by word of mouth, sign or motion any person in a public place;
   (M)   Engage in any disturbance, fight or quarrel in a public place;
   (N)   Jostle or roughly crowd persons in any street, alley, park or public building;
   (O)   Loiter on any street or sidewalk or in any park or public building or conduct himself in any public place so as to obstruct the free and uninterrupted passage of the public;
   (P)   Play any ball game in any public street or sidewalk or otherwise obstruct traffic on any street or sidewalk by collecting in groups thereon, for any purpose;
   (Q)   Engage in any act of prostitution;
   (R)   Attend, frequent, operate or be an occupant or inmate of any place where prostitution, gambling, the illegal sale of intoxicating liquor or any other illegal or immoral business or occupation is permitted or conducted;
   (S)   Engage in prostitution, gambling, the illegal sale of intoxicating liquor, or any other illegal or immoral business or occupation;
   (T)   Solicit or accost any person for the purpose of inducing the commission of any illegal or immoral act;
   (U)   Knowingly transport any person to a place where prostitution or gambling is practiced, encouraged, or allowed for the purpose of enabling such person to engage in gambling or in any illegal or immoral act;
   (V)   Keep or maintain a gaming room, gaming tables or any policy or pool tickets, used for gaming; or knowingly suffer a gaming room, gaming tables or any policy or pool tickets to be kept, maintained, played or sold on any premises occupied or controlled by him;
   (W)   Disturb the public peace and quiet by loud, boisterous, or vulgar conduct;
   (X)   Permit or suffer any place occupied or controlled by him to be a resort of noisy, boisterous or disorderly persons;
   (Y)   Obstruct, resist, hinder, or oppose any member of the police force, or any peace officer in the discharge of his duties as such;
   (Z)   Willfully enter upon the lands or premises of another without lawful authority, after having been forbidden so to do by the owner or occupant, agent or servant of the owner or occupant; or neglect or refuse to depart from the land or premises of another, upon being notified to depart therefrom by the owner or occupant or the agent of either, if without lawful authority to remain. If it shall appear that the lands or premises in question have been conspicuously posted by a sign or signs approved by the city as to content, size, and location which forbids trespassing in general, trespassing between certain specified times or entry upon said lands or premises when not engaged in lawful business with the owner or occupant, such a showing shall be prima facie evidence that a person found on the land or premises, who is not engaged in lawful business with the owner or occupant, is there without lawful authority and has been forbidden to enter or notified to depart as required by this division.
   (AA)    Spit on any sidewalk or on the floor or seat of any public carrier, or on any floor, wall, seat or equipment of any place of public assemblage;
   (BB)    Wrongfully throw or propel any snowball, missile, or object from any moving automobile;
   (CC)    Wrongfully throw or propel any snowball, missile or object toward any person or automobile;
   (DD)    Wilfully destroy, remove, damage, alter or in any manner deface any property not his own, or any public school building, or any public building, bridge, fire hydrant, alarm box, streetlight, street sign, traffic control device, railroad sign or signal; or mark or post hand bills on, or in any manner mar the walls of any public building, or fence, tree, or pole within the city; or destroy, take, or meddle with the property belonging to the city or remove the same from the building or place where it may be kept, placed or stored, without proper authority; or disturb, tamper with, disconnect or damage any city water meter without proper authority;
   (EE)    Commit the offense of larceny, by stealing, of the property of another, any money, goods or chattels, or any bank note, bank bill, bond, promissory note, due bill, bill of exchange, or other bill, draft, order or certificate, or any book of accounts for or concerning money or goods due or to become due, or to be delivered, or any deed or writing containing a conveyance of land, or any other valuable contract in force or any receipt, release of defeasance of any writ, process or public record of the value of $100 or less.
   (FF)    Solicit, petition, canvass, or in any way interfere with the access of persons to and from polling places in local, state, or national elections, either at or within such polling places or within 100 feet from the entrance of such polling places; and
   (GG)    Telephone any person repeatedly or cause the same to be done for the primary purpose of harassing such other person or his family, whether or not conversation ensues, or use any threatening, vulgar, indecent, obscene, immoral, or insulting language over any telephone.
   (HH)    Knowingly or intentionally use or possess a controlled substance (as defined by Michigan statute), an official prescription form or prescription form unless the controlled substance, official prescription form or prescription form was obtained directly from or pursuant to a valid prescription or order of a practitioner while acting in the course of the practitioner's professional practice.
(Ord. 161, passed 8-20-73; Am. Ord. 161A, passed 10-2-89; Am. Ord. 248, passed 10-4-99; Am. Ord. 285, passed 6-6-05)  Penalty, see § 10.99