In order that the owners of property involved and other legitimately interested partied may have fair opportunity to be heard, adequate notice shall be given of any public hearing required by the provisions of this chapter in the manner hereinafter defined or as may be otherwise specifically designated elsewhere in this chapter.
   (A)   The notice to be given concerning any appeals or variances, conditional use permits, or changes and amendments of this chapter shall be given by publishing a Class 2 notice under Wis. Stats. Chapter 985, and by giving due notice of the hearing to all parties in interest.
   (B)   Due notice to parties in interest shall mean that the Village Clerk will mail, by ordinary postage, reasonable advance notice of all hearings and meetings on any pending matter to the applicant and to owners of record of properties which are located within 175 feet of the parcel involved in the application (250 feet in the case of changes and amendments to the zoning districts and regulations). In addition, at least ten days’ prior written notice of any such hearings shall be given to the Clerk of any municipality whose boundaries are within 1,000 feet of any lands included in the application. Failure of the office to accomplish such provision of notice shall not invalidate or prejudice the proceedings, provided that reasonable efforts were made to so notify the parties in interest.
(Prior Code, § 22.25(6)) (Ord. passed - -2011)