(A)   Monuments. The subdivision shall be monumented in accordance with the requirements of Wis. Stats. § 236.15 and as may be required by the Village Board. The Village Board may waive the placing of monuments for a reasonable time on condition that the subdivider executes a surety bond to ensure placing of such monuments. Required block corners shall be fully encased with minimum of four inches of concrete and shall be set so that the top of the monument shall be at the final sidewalk elevation. If the topography is such that extensive grading is required at the block corners, the subdivider may, with permission of the Village Board, place the monuments after the grading is completed.
   (B)   Improvements. Unless alternative arrangements are made with the village and such arrangements are approved by resolution of the Village Board, before final approval of any residential plat located within the corporate limits of the village, the subdivider shall install street and utility improvements as hereinafter provided.
      (1)   Water. The subdivider shall have filed, prior to approval of the final plat, a petition with the Village Clerk petitioning the village for installation of water mains in the plat.
      (2)   Sanitary sewer. The subdivider shall have filed prior to approval of the final plat a petition with the Village Clerk petitioning the village for installation of sewers in the plat. If public sewer facilities are not available, lot sizes shall be such that effective private disposal systems can be provided on the individual premises, and shall be determined on the basis of recommendations of the Village Board and the state. Approval of the county must also be submitted.
      (3)   Street grading. The subdivider shall furnish drawings which indicate the existing and proposed grades of streets shown on the plat. After review and approval of the proposed grades by the Village Board, the subdivider shall grade or cause to be graded the full width of the right-of-way of the streets proposed to be dedicated. The bed for the roadways in the street right-of-way shall be graded to subgrade. The subsoil condition shall be of adequate bearing value for street construction or shall be undercut and backfilled with select materials.
      (4)   Sidewalk grades. Sidewalk grades, whether sidewalks are subsequently installed or not, shall be proposed and approved by the Village Board at the same time as the street grades are proposed and approved.
      (5)   Sodding or mat-type seeding. Where lot grades exceed 10%, sodding or mat-type seeding shall be required.
   (C)   Payments for improvements. Unless alternative arrangements are made with the village and such arrangements are approved by resolution of the Village Board, when filing a petition with the Village Clerk for the above-mentioned water main, sanitary sewer and street improvements, the subdivider shall accompany said petitions with a certified or cashier’s check for the following items:
      (1)   The estimated cost, prepared by the Village Clerk, for construction of water mains;
      (2)   The estimated cost, prepared by the Village Clerk, for construction of sanitary sewer;
      (3)   The estimated cost, prepared by the Village Clerk, for providing six-inch crushed stone base for the street; and
      (4)   Public sites and open spaces contributions shall be provided as hereinafter specified in these regulations.
   (D)   Payments for improvements by contract. The payment provisions for the installation of improvements, hereinabove set forth, shall not preclude the village from entering into a contract with a subdivider or land developer for construction of the required improvements at his or her own expense, provided that the work is done pursuant to the requirements of these regulations and under the supervision of the Village Board by contractor approved by the village, and upon the filing with the Village Clerk of a performance bond executed by the subdivider or his or her contractors and a corporate surety licensed to do business in this state.
(Prior Code, § 17.05)