(A)   No structure shall be erected within a historic district, nor upon a historic site, nor shall any part of a historic site, nor any structure within a historic district be demolished and removed, or its exterior renovated or changed in any manner except as permitted by this chapter. However, nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the ordinary maintenance and repair of any exterior architectural feature of a historic site or of a structure within a historic district that does not involve a change in its design, material or other appearance.
   (B)   The town and all property owners or possessors of property, without exception, desiring to construct, renovate, demolish, remove or otherwise make any changes to the exterior of a historic site or of any structure within a historic district shall apply to the Building Official for a permit therefor.
   (C)   In addition to the forms, plans and fees as may be required by the Building Code or the Building Official for a building permit for a structure outside a historic district, any application to construct, renovate, demolish, remove or otherwise to make any changes to the exterior of a historic site or of any structure within a district shall include photographs, plans, descriptions, dimensions, drawings, sketches or other information sufficient to allow meaningful review and determination of the ultimate appearance and the impact of the proposed project. The Historic Preservation Commission shall adopt requirements for any application, which requirements shall be filed with the Town Clerk and the Building Official and made available there for public inspection. Professional quality plans, renderings or materials shall not be required.
   (D)   Following determination by the Building Official that an application meets the requirements of the Building Code or other applicable code for issuance of a permit outside a historic district or of the code as modified for historic districts or sites, the Building Official shall within one working day deliver the application and the additional materials to the Chairperson or, if the Chairperson is not available, to the Secretary of the Historic Preservation Commission. The Commission shall consider the application at a public meeting to be held within 14 days of its receipt by the Chairperson or the Secretary.
   (E)   Written notice of the meeting shall be delivered or mailed by the Secretary of the Commission at least to the applicant, no later than ten days before the meeting. The Commission shall establish rules and procedures governing notice to owners of record of adjacent surrounding properties.
   (F)   At the meeting, the Commission shall review the application and the additional materials submitted with it and discuss the project with the applicant and any others attending to determine whether the project is appropriate and in keeping with the historic character of the site and/or district.
   (G)   In determining whether to approve an application, the Commission shall follow the United States Secretary of the Interior's "Standards for Rehabilitation," appearing in 36 C.F.R. part 67. The Commission may also formulate additional standards and guidelines not inconsistent with those of the Secretary of the Interior. Copies of these standards and guidelines shall be on file with the Town Clerk and the Building Official and made available there for public inspection.
   (H)   The Commission shall act upon the application by approving it or denying it, at a public meeting held for that purpose, and shall specify the reason(s). The Commission shall transmit a copy of its decision, by mail, to the applicant. Failure of the Commission to meet and make a decision on any application submitted within 20 days of receipt of the application by the Chairperson or Secretary shall constitute approval of the application unless the applicant consents in writing to an extension.
   (I)   When the Commission approves an application, a permit for the project shall be issued. In the event an application is denied by the Commission, no permit shall be issued for the project.
   (J)   Except for a decision denying an application for demolition or removal, the decision of the Commission shall be final and conclusive.
   (K)   A decision of the Commission denying an application for demolition or removal of a building, structure or object shall delay issuance of the permit for 120 days after the effective date of the decision. During that 120-day period, the Commission shall endeavor to convince the applicant to preserve the building, structure or object, or the Commission shall try to find someone to purchase it for a price and upon terms agreeable to the applicant; and the buyer must also agree to preserve it for at least five years. If, within the 120-day period, the Commission is unable either to so convince the applicant or to find a buyer, the permit shall be issued at the request of the applicant at any time, 121 days or more after the effective date of the decision.
   (L)   Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the construction, reconstruction, alteration, restoration or demolition of any feature which the Building Official shall certify is required by the public safety because of an unsafe or dangerous condition.
   (M)   Where the provisions of this section are in conflict with another section of the zoning ordinance, the provisions of this section shall govern.
(1996 Code, § 15.32.070) (Ord. 87-05-004, passed - -)