Seven or more properties, whether or not separated by a street, or total cumulative street frontage not less 300 feet, but in no case fewer than four properties, shall be the minimum criteria for designation of a "historic district." A "historic district" may be designated only by ordinance if, in addition:
   (A)   The proposed historic district includes historic sites or structures, as defined hereinafter;
   (B)   The proposed historic district includes a group of related sites, buildings and structures in their original setting which contribute to an understanding of the heritage of the community;
   (C)   The group of structures, buildings or sites provides the area with a sense of uniqueness, and is readily distinguishable from other areas of the community;
   (D)   A sufficient number of structures of related or similar characteristics making it a recognizable entity;
   (E)   The area possesses a significant concentration, linkage or continuity of sites, buildings, structures or objects which are united by past events of 50 or more years ago, or aesthetically by plan or physical development of 50 or more years ago; and
   (F)   The area is worthy of preservation and protection for aesthetic interest or value, educational potential or significance in the history of the town.
(1996 Code, § 15.32.040) (Ord. 87-05-004, passed - -)