(a)   No railroad cars, motor vehicles transporting hazardous material as defined by U.S. Department of Transportation Publication DOT-P 5800.2, shall be parked in any residential or general business district as defined in the Villager Zoning Ordinance or within 500 feet of a dwelling unless engaging in loading or unloading cargo. Any “empty” vehicles or railroad cars, which by U.S. Department of Transportation regulations shall be marked as carrying hazardous material, shall be considered for this section as transporting.
   (b)   No motor vehicle carrying hazardous material as defined by U.S. Department of Transportation Publication DOT P-5800.2 shall be operated on a street in the Village except State routes passing through the Village or such other streets as are necessary to make pick-up or delivery of cargo. Any vehicle operating off State routes shall take the most direct route to and from their destination.
   (c)   Whoever violates any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree for the first offense and a misdemeanor of the third degree for each subsequent offense within one year. (Ord. 4-84. Passed 2-6-84.)