(a)   Every city, state, and federally funded transportation project, as well as private development projects impacting the public way or where the public is allowed to travel, shall be approached as an opportunity to create safer, more accessible streets for all users. This policy shall require all new construction and reconstruction/retrofit projects to account for the needs of all modes of transportation and all users of the transportation network. In addition, all maintenance projects, and ongoing operations, such as resurfacing, repaving, restriping, rehabilitation, or other types of changes to the transportation system shall account for the needs of all modes of transportation and all users of the road network.
   (b)   All construction and reconstruction/retrofit projects must also provide accommodations for all modes of transportation to continue to use the road safely and efficiently during any construction or repair work that infringes on the right of way, bicycle facility, and/or sidewalk where feasible.
(Ord. 7-2022. Passed 5-19-22.)