(a) The Village shall provide transportation choices that are safe, convenient, reliable, affordable, accessible, and timely for all users regardless of age, ability, race, ethnicity, religion, income, gender, identity, immigration status, language spoken, or access to a personal vehicle. Transportation projects shall be designed and planned to accommodate all users of the transportation system, including but not limited to people with disabilities, the elderly, children, motorist/truck operators, pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, people with pets, and emergency responders. When designing and planning transportation infrastructure, the village will prioritize the needs of people with disabilities, those over the age of sixty-five (65), and children under the age of sixteen (16), so that proposed improvements make a measurable difference in ease of travel, comfort, and safety for these most vulnerable users.
(b) All users and all transportation modes shall benefit from Complete Streets improvements. In addition to public transit users, those over the age of sixty-five (65), under eighteen (18); low-income, and disabled populations will be prioritized through Complete Streets improvements by enabling access to community destinations by prioritizing improvements that increase:
(1) Access to health care services, grocery shopping, banking, and other community resources located in the Village's central business district.
(2) Access to parks and outdoor recreation facilities for all users, especially school-age children, and others without access to automobiles.
(3) Access to Gibsonburg schools that is safe and convenient for students and their families within a one-mile radius.
(Ord. 7-2022. Passed 5-19-22.)