(a)   The Village is committed to improving the health, safety, livability, and opportunity of all its residents, regardless of age, ability, gender, sexual orientation, income, or ethnicity. In making this commitment, the Village recognizes that providing a safe, affordable, reliable, convenient, comfortable, accessible, and equitable transportation network is essential. Therefore, the Village shall, through the adoption of this Complete Streets policy, consider all users of all abilities in all aspects of its transportation funding, decision-making, planning, building, maintenance, and operations to create a complete, connected transportation network. In doing so, the Village will consider the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, people living with disabilities, emergency responders, freight deliverers, commercial drivers, and motorists at all stages of transportation planning.
   (b)   Complete Streets will encourage economic growth, increase property values, improve safety and mobility, improve public health and fitness, and reduce the overall demand on our roadways by allowing people to replace motor vehicle trips with active transportation options. In addition, integrating sidewalks, bike facilities, or safe crosswalks in the initial design of a project spares the expense and complications of retrofits later.
   (c)   The Village vows to recogniz.e the historical aspects of the transportation system within our Village, while also keeping safety and accessibility in the highest regard. By adopting and implementing this policy, the Village of Gibsonburg will create an equitable, balanced, and effective transportation system where diverse users can travel safely and comfortably, and where sustainable transportation options are available to everyone.
(Ord. 7-2022. Passed 5-19-22.)