ln addition to the general prohibitions contained in Section 532.02, the following prohibitions shall apply to commercial structures within the Village of Gibsonburg.
   (a)    Exterior Walls and Surfaces. All exterior walls shalJ be maintained structurally safe and free from holes, breaks, open cracks. loose or rotting materials, and shall be properly surface coated to prevent deterioration. All exposed surfaces of metal or wood shall be protected from the elements of decay or rust by periodic application of weather coating materials such as paint or similar surface treatments.
   (b)    Foundation Walls. All foundation walls shall be maintained structurally safe and free from open cracks and breaks and shall be kept in such condition as to prevent the entry of rodents or other pests.
   (c)    Roofs and Chimneys. The roof, flashing and chimney shall be maintained structurally safe and maintained free from holes, breaks. open cracks, loose, rotting or deteriorated shingles or other materials, nests of any kind, and maintained weatherproof. All chimneys television or radio towers and/or antennas and similar appurtenances shall be maintained structurally safe and sound and in good repair.
   (d)    Gutters and Downspouts. All commercial structures shall have gutters, leaders or downspouts which shall be securely fastened and maintained free from holes, breaks, loose or rotting materials and be in good working condition. All discharge shall be directed into adjacent storm sewers, ditches, or natural watercourses and away from adjacent property.
   (e)    Windows. All windows shall be kept in sound condition and in good repair.
   (f)    Vacant Units. Any vacant commercial property shall conform to the following requirements:
      (1)    The grounds of the premises shall be kept free of weeds and debris and the grass and vegetation shall be maintained at a height of not more than six inches (6") during summer months and the public sidewalks free of snow and ice during the winter months;
      (2)    The premises shall be closed and secured to prevent trespass, and shall meet the following additional requirements:
         A.   All commercial or retail windows and doors fronting on the street level, and whose surface area is fifty per cent (50%) or more of glass, Plexiglas, lexan or an equivalent transparent or translucent material shall be maintained with a similar material. Commercial or retail windows and doors fronting on the street level may be rendered opaque from inside the building with paint, paper, sheathing grade plywood or equivalent, and
         B.   All windows and doors on the ground floor area, and not fronting on the street level, including basement and garage, shall be boarded-up and secured with minimum one-half inch sheathing grade plywood, or equivalent;
            1.   The sheathing shall be applied in an orderly manner, cut to the size of the opening; and
            2.    The sheathing shall be painted to match the building or trim.
            3.    All signs shall be removed.
   (g)    Motor Vehicles. The provisions relating to parking and storage of motor vehicles as set forth in the Ohio Revised Code shall apply to all commercial property subject to the provisions of this Code.
   (h)    Rubbish, Garbage or Junk. All exterior property areas shall be free from any accumulation of rubbish, garbage or junk. All rubbish, garbage or junk shall be disposed of in a clean and sanitary manner in suitable containers designed for such purpose.
   (i)    Exterior Storage or Display. All public sidewalks, walkways and motor vehicle drives on or abutting any commercial property shall remain passable and free from any display or storage of any inventory or property of any type or nature.
All exterior property areas of commercial property shall be free from the accumulation, storage or display of personal property or equipment not in use. Such prohibited outside displays or storage of property or equipment shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
      (1)   Tools Maintained so as not to interfere with the use of the public right-of-way; or
      (2)   Machinery
      (3)   Auto parts
      (4)   Unused or discarded construction materials or debris
      (5)   Any other retail or wholesale displays that are not by custom or usage typically or historically displayed out of doors.
         (Ord. 4-2020. Passed 3-19-20.)