(a) The Village of Gibsonburg maintains the following credit cards for use in day to day operations of the Village:
Old Fort Banking Company - Visa - Maximum credit limit =$4,000 (4798510065471340)
The following employees have a specific card issued with their name:
Marc Glotzbecker, Administrator
Dan Collins, Police Chief
Barb Wildermuth, Assistant Fiscal Officer
Jennifer Cox, Utility Clerk
Paul Clark
Robert Helle
Marathon Fleet card - Maximum credit limit = $5,000 (7560001134915)
The following cards are listed by department and are kept in the specific vehicles used by each department:
Water department
Sewer department
Street department
Dollar General - Maximum credit limit = $400 (138038270660)
Staples - Maximum credit limit - $10,000 (6035517820140241)
Lowes - Maximum credit limit = $10,000 (489001083383099)
Tractor Supply - Maximum credit limit = $10,000 (6035301203279326)
(b) The above cards, except for the Marathon Cards, are kept in a secured location maintained by the Fiscal Officer. Whenever a Village employee requires a credit card to make a purchase for Village use, they must request a card from the Fiscal Officer and state what purchase will be made with the card. Each time a card is requested from the Fiscal Officer, the employee must sign their name, date, card name, and estimated usage amount on a form prepared by the Fiscal Officer. The card may be used for an online purchase or an in store purchase, but must be returned to the Fiscal Officer immediately after use. If the card will be kept overnight due to lateness of the day, the card will be returned as soon as possible the next business day.
(c) When the card is returned to the Fiscal Officer, the itemized receipt and purchase order must be included showing date, item(s) purchased, department, and employees signature. The Fiscal Officer will notate receipt of the returned credit card. If these requirements are not adhered to, the employee who made the purchase in question may be required to reimburse or pay for that purchase from their own personal funds.
(d) In regards to the Marathon Card, each employee who purchases fuel for a Village vehicle, must sign and date the receipt and provide it to the Fiscal Officer as soon as practical. The receipt should also provide the department and to which vehicle the purchase was made.
(e) The Village of Gibsonburg Council has authority to grant an officer, employee, or staff member the authority to use a credit card account to purchase Village work related goods and services incurred on behalf of the Village. The work related goods and services include, but are not limited to, gasoline for Village vehicles, and equipment or services purchased on behalf of the Village project in which the authorized user is directly involved. No purchase may exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000) unless prior notification is provided to the Fiscal Officer of the need to exceed the two thousand dollars ($2,000) limit. In the event of an emergency, documentation must be provided to the Fiscal Officer no later than forty-eight (48) hours after the transaction.
(f) Any and all transactions will be subject to the maximum credit limit allowed for that specific credit card.
(g) At least quarterly, preferably monthly, the Fiscal Officer will provide the Finance Committee with a breakdown of the credit card transactions made. The Finance Committee will review and make a recommendation to the Village Council to accept those transactions.
(h) Each month, when the Fiscal Officer receives the statement of all invoices for the month, for each credit card, the statement must be reconciled with all transactions entered into UAN for that period.
(i) The use of a credit card account for expenses beyond those authorized by the Village of Gibsonburg may constitute misuse of a credit card account. Any officer, or employee, or public servant of the Village of Gibsonburg who knowingly misuses a credit card account held by the Village of Gibsonburg violates section 2913.21 of the Ohio Revised Code, which is a misdemeanor of the first degree and would be held personally liable for any unauthorized transactions.
(j) All requests to obtain a credit card from a new vendor, must be approved by the Village Council. The request must include the name of the vendor, who will use the card(s), purpose of the cards, and what limit is requested for total monthly purchases.
(k) Anytime a credit card is not used for a reasonable period, the card may be cancelled and notification should be provided to the Village Council. If any person has knowledge that a Village credit card has been compromised, whether by fraud or misuse, or the card is lost or stolen, the Fiscal Officer must immediately be notified and the vendor contacted to cancel the card. Any transactions not authorized by a Village officer or employee, must be disputed, notification must be given to the vendor, and notification provided to Council. Council may then approve and authorize re-issuance of the card if the prior procedures have been followed and the vendor is able to reissue the card within safe guidelines.
(l) The Fiscal Officer will prepare a report annually to the Village Council which states any and all rewards received, based on the use of the Village of Gibsonburg credit card accounts.
(m) The Village of Gibsonburg no longer uses any credit card(s) issued thru Fifth Third Bank.
(n) The Village of Gibsonburg does not currently use or have any debit card(s).
(o) Any issues related to the Village of Gibsonburg's credit card policy which are not stated above, may be addressed in HB312.
(Ord. 07-2020. Passed 5-7-20.)