(a)    General Requirements. Landscaping shall be required as follows. The area required to be landscaped shall be planted within twelve months from the date of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy and thereafter reasonably maintained with permanent plantings and materials.
   (b)    Site Planting Requirements.
      (1)    The unpaved or unimproved portions ofthe required front yards, side yards, rear yards and other open spaces of the site not in a natural wooded state or in which the natural state has been disturbed by grading or filling, shall be landscaped with sod, grass or other horticultural materials.
      (2)    A landscaped buffer of fence or hedge shall be as follows:
         A.    Screening of trash disposal. Trash and/or garbage collection areas shall be enclosed in a dumpster house if not within an enclosed building or structure.
         B.    Screening of stored materials shall be of sufficient height to screen the view of said material.
      (3)    Outdoor eating and recreation areas for employees may be included in the required landscaped area.
         (Ord. 18-2014. Passed 11-6-14.)