(a)   When a water meter is located outside in the meter pit, the service line and all connections extending from the consumer’s side of the meter/meter yoke shall be furnished, installed and maintained by, and shall remain the property of, the property owner.
   (b)   When a water meter is located inside the consumer’s building, the service line and all connections extending from the curb stop to and throughout the consumer’s premises shall be furnished, installed, maintained, operated by, and shall remain the property of the property owner, exclusive of the cost of said meter which will be provided by the Village.
   (c)   When a water meter is located inside the consumer’s building, the owner shall be responsible to provide timely access to the Village for the purposes of reading such meter. When access is not available an estimate will be used. The Village shall not be responsible for billings where no access is provided.
   (d)   The owner of property to which the Village provides water shall remain liable at all times for all utility charges. For rental property, the Village may invoice the tenant as a courtesy to the property owner, but the owner shall remain liable for payment of all charges.
(Ord. 05-2010. Passed 4-1-10.)