(a) The following schedule of administrative service fees shall be charged.
(1) Termination of service (shut off) $50.00
Waiver of shut-off and turn-on fee for leak repair. These fees will be waived for line repair from water pit to the home or business. These fees will also be waived one time for leaks within the home or business where no main shut off is available. In cases of no existing internal shut off the owner will be notified in writing that a shut off valve must be installed.
(2) Turn on fee following shut off $25.00
Waiver of Turn-on fee. If turn-on is the result of a shut-off for non-payment and service is to be restored the same day then turn-on fee will be waived.
(3) Returned Check fee $35.00
(4) Certification to Auditor $50.00
(5) Unauthorized Tampering $50.00
Consumers are not to tamper with meter pit or meter without prior approval by Village Water Superintendent or Administrator. The cost of any damage caused by unauthorized tampering will be accessed to the account with an additional $50.00 fee.
(b) Outstanding invoices sent to collection agency will be charged an additional $50.00 processing charge.
(Ord. 01-2010. Passed 4-1-10.)