(a) If a meter reading is unusually high indicating a potential leak the consumer will be notified immediately. If no one is at the property, a door hanger will be left notifying the consumer of the situation and requesting that they contact the Utility Billing Office as soon as possible.
(b) Water and sewer charges in case of a water leak occurring on the consumer’s side of the meter, where the owner has immediately notified the administration upon finding the leak and the leak has expeditiously been corrected and the quantity of lost water was greater than three times the owner’s average usage will be calculated as follows:
(1) The Village will adjust the water charges for the account to be billed to an estimated usage of three times the past average usage based on past history for that billing period.
(2) Where the lost water did not enter the Village sanitary sewer system, the Village will adjust the sewer charges for the account to be billed to an estimated usage of one times the past average usage based on past history for that billing period. If the lost water did enter the Village sanitary system the sewer charge will be based on actual or estimated water usage as determined in the paragraph (b)(1).
(3) If an owner has a known leak which they neglect to correct on a timely basis then the above adjustment is negated.
(c) Any adjustments to utility charges must be approved by the Village Administrator or the Village Fiscal Officer. All adjustments will be documented in the user account history. (Ord. 01-2010. Passed 4-1-10.)