(a)    Notice of Delinquency. In the event a customer has not made payment by the due date and the account is delinquent, the customer will be sent or hand delivered a letter of delinquency stating that the account is past due. The letter will indicate the exact amount due and the date and time by which payment must be received. The letter will state the resident will be subject to water service termination if not paid by the due date and time. The letter will also notify the resident that a $50.00 shut off fee will be applied to the account when the water service is terminated for nonpayment. Generally water shut offs will be performed Monday through Thursday.
   (b)    Termination of Service.
      (1)   On the Day of Service Termination another door hangar will be placed at the residence/business. If service must be terminated due to nonpayment, the $50.00 shut-off fee will be applied to the utility account and service will not be restored until the full delinquent balance and the penalty are paid in full. A $25.00 turn-on fee will be accessed if service is not restored the same day as shut-off.
      (2)   Payments returned from the bank will be charged back to the utility account and an additional $35.00 bank fee will be applied to the account. The resident will be notified immediately by telephone and letter that the check was returned and cash or money order must be received immediately to compensate for the returned check.
      (3)   Should a customer turn his/her water service back on without Village approval, he/she may be subject to legal prosecution for tampering with Village property. Additionally, the water/sewer service shall be shut-off immediately, and an additional $50.00 penalty will be assessed.
   (c)    Protest Termination of Service.
      (1)   The customer is responsible for taking appropriate steps to avoid service disconnection by keeping their account current. In the event the amount of the bill or the accuracy of the meter is questioned, the customer shall pay the amount billed to avoid service disconnection. After a determination is made in the matter, any excess charge will be promptly refunded by the Village. In the event the account does become delinquent and the delinquency bill becomes past due, service shall be disconnected and will not be restored until the account is paid in full, including any service charge. No payment plan will be allowed for accounts that have become delinquent.
      (2)   Customers who feel their service is designated for termination of service for nonpayment in error, may request a hearing by contacting the Village Fiscal Officer prior to service termination.
         (Ord. 01-2010. Passed 4-1-10.)