145.07 SICK LEAVE.
   (a)   Each Village employee shall under the sick pay provision be granted sick leave on the following formula; each Village employee would begin with five days accumulated sick time and accumulated additional sick time at the rate of four and six-tenths hours for each eighty hours worked or as otherwise required by the State.
   (b)   If an employee is absent from work for more than three days under this sick pay provision, he/she shall at his own expense produce a physician’s statement to substantiate such illness.
   (c)   If the Village has reason to believe an employee is or has been abusing sick time privileges, it may demand from the employee a physician’s statement indicating the relevance of the sickness to work capability at the employer’s expense.
   (d)   Accumulated sick leave shall be paid at retirement in an amount of twenty-five percent (25%) of the value of unused sick leave, up to a maximum of thirty days pay.
   (e)   Effective December 1, 1988, part time employees will be exempted from the sick leave policy of the Village. Part time employees do not receive sick time.
(Ord. 16-2002. Passed 12-19-02.)