(a) To more effectively provide against fire in the business and commercial district of the Village, the area within the following boundaries shall be known as the "fire limits":
Beginning at a point at the intersection of the center lines of Stevenson and Hurlbut St.; thence westerly along the center line of Stevenson St. to its intersection with the centerline of Gibson St.; thence southerly along the centerline of Gibson St. to its intersection with the centerline of Yeasting St.; thence easterly along the centerline of Yeasting St. to its intersection with the centerline of Hurlbut St.; thence northerly along the centerline of Hurlbut St. to the point of beginning.
(b) Within the fire limits no person shall erect any structure or building that is meant to be a permanent building or structure such as a store room, house, barn, garage, mill, plant, shed or any other such structure or building except as hereinafter provided in this section:
(1) Single residences of frame construction, not more than two stories in height, may be erected upon lots now used solely for residential purposes within the fire limits providing the residence now existing hereon be removed therefrom. Only one such residence to a single lot shall be permitted. A frame garage of not more than a single story in height and of not more than two vehicle capacity may be erected upon any lot used solely for residential purposes. No use nor activity in such garages shall be permitted other than the storage of automobiles. No residence or garage otherwise lawful hereunder, shall be erected nearer than twenty-five feet to an existing store room or business structure.
(2) Buildings may be erected within the fire limits, upon the lots and lands which belong to the Penn-Central Railroad Company and upon lots which are adjacent to existing side-tracts connecting with the main tracks of the Penn Central Railroad Company, providing such buildings are erected of mill construction as provided by the Ohio State Building Code, with the outer surface thereof composed of incombustible material and, provided further that the buildings so constructed be no nearer than twenty-five feet to an existing residence, store buildings, storage shed or other structure of adjoining property or lots not owned by the builder.
(3) Public garages, hotels and apartments, churches, school buildings, hospitals, theaters and assembly halls which are built, erected or constructed within the fire limits shall be so built, erected or constructed in strict compliance with the applicable provisions of the Ohio State Building Code.
(4) All other buildings or structures more than ten feet in height, hereafter erected within such fire limits, shall be enclosed with the outer walls thereof constructed of iron, stone, brick and mortar, or some of them and where such outer walls adjoin or abut upon other buildings, such walls shall be constructed without any openings therein so as to constitute dead or solid fire walls. The roofs of such buildings shall be covered with incombustible or fire resistive materials.
(c) An existing frame building within the fire limits, which hereafter may be damaged by fire, or otherwise, to an amount greater than seventy-five percent (75%) of its value, exclusive of the foundation, shall not be repaired or rebuilt, but shall be removed if the site of such building is one upon which no frame structure could be newly erected.
(d) No existing wood shingle roof within the fire limits, if damaged more than fifty percent (50%) shall be renewed or repaired with other than incombustible or fire resistive roof covering.
(e) No frame building or other such structure shall be moved from outside the fire limits to a site or lot located within the fire limits, nor shall such frame building or structure be moved from a lot located within the fire limits where such type building is permitted, to a lot or site where the erection of such building or structure is forbidden.
(f) No lumber, timber, wooden fence posts or other like combustible material shall be stored in the open at any point within the fire limits except when and where the same are being used at the site of repairing or construction operations, nor shall gasoline, oil, tar or like combustible compounds be stored in bulk at any point within the fire limits except in underground storage tanks for sale at regular automotive service stations, and further excepting fuel oil stored in underground storage tanks at regular dry cleaning and laundry plants, or in metal containers not to exceed fifty-five gallons capacity.
(g) It shall be the duty of the Chief of the Gibsonburg Volunteer Fire Department to inspect all structures being built within the fire limits, and to prevent the erection of any structure or the removal and rebuilding or remodeling of any structure, except as above specified; and he is hereby empowered to tear down and remove, at the expense of the owner, any structure which he may find or building or rebuilding or removing or remodeling, not permitted under this section.
(h) No person shall kindle a fire at any time in any public street, land, alley, or other public place within the fire limits, and no person shall kindle a fire at any time upon his or her dwelling, store or place of business within the fire limits, except where such fire is safely contained in a steel drum with wire mesh covering or in wire mesh containers.
(Ord. 7-73. Passed 11-5-73.)