(a) Upon receipt of the preliminary plan, the Planning Commission will review same at the next regularly scheduled meeting. The Planning Commission must take action on the preliminary plan within 45 days after it has been officially filed, unless such time is extended by mutual agreement between the sub-divider and the Commission or unless the application has to be tabled to receive additional information.
(b) The action of the Planning Commission shall be recorded in the form of a resolution, and communicated in writing to the sub-divider along with any conditions of approval of the preliminary plan. If the Planning Commission disapproves the preliminary plan it shall be marked as such, the reasons for such disapproval, shall be set forth in writing to the sub-divider.
(c) Approval of the preliminary plan shall be conditional upon compliance with all other applicable ordinances and regulations of the Village and shall be considered only as an approval of the layout, with the full understanding that the Village may modify any engineering or construction details proposed by the applicant at the time the final plan is submitted whenever required for the protection of the public interest.
(Ord. 31-2007. Passed 12-20-07.)