1130.03 INTENT.
   The Subdivision Regulations are intended to achieve, the following objectives:
   (a)   Improving the quality of life through protection of the Village of Gibsonburg's total environment, including but not limited to the prevention of air, water and noise pollution.
   (b)   The proper arrangement of public ways in relation to existing and/or planned public ways.
   (c)   The proper arrangement of utilities in relation to existing and/or planned utilities.
   (d)   To insure adequate and convenient space is provided for vehicular and pedestrian traffic, utilities, access for emergency vehicles, recreation, light and air.
   (e)   To facilitate the orderly and efficient layout of the land.
   (f)   To insure accurate surveying of land, preparing and recording of plats and the equitable handling of all subdivision plats by providing uniform procedures and standards for observance by both the Planning Commission and subdividers.
   (g)   Ensuring that public facilities and services are available concurrent with development and will have sufficient capacity to serve the proposed development and that the community shall be required to bear no more than the cost of providing facilities and services through requiring of the developers to pay fees, furnish land, or establish mitigation measures to ensure that the development provides its fair share of capital facilities needs generated by the development.
      (Ord. 31-2007. Passed 12-20-07.)