1130.01 PREAMBLE.
   An Ordinance of the Village of Gibsonburg, Ohio, enacted in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan, and Chapter 711 of the Ohio Revised Code, to regulate and control, the subdivision of land within the Village of Gibsonburg; securing and providing for the proper arrangement of streets or other roadways in relation to existing or planned streets or roadways; providing for adequate and convenient open spaces for traffic, utilities, access of fire fighting apparatus, recreation, light and air; avoiding congestion of population; providing for the administration of this Ordinance, defining the powers and duties of the administrative officers as provided hereafter, and prescribing penalties for the violation of the provisions in this Ordinance or any amendment thereto, and for the repeal thereof of all Subdivision Ordinances of the Village of Gibsonburg passed prior to the effective date of this Ordinance.
(Ord. 31-2007. Passed 12-20-07.)