(a)   Principal vehicular access points shall be designed to permit smooth traffic flow with controlled turning movements and minimum hazards to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Minor streets within Planned Unit Developments shall not be connected to streets outside the development in such a way as to encourage their use by through traffic.
   (b)   A part of every residential building shall not be farther than 60 feet from an access roadway or drive providing vehicular access from a public street, and not further than 500 feet, measured along the route of vehicular access, from a public street.
   (c)   All non-residential land uses with a Planned Unit Development should have direct access to a collector or primary street, especially where large parking areas are included.
   (d)   The pedestrian circulation system and its related walkways should be insulated completely and as reasonably as possible from the vehicular street system in order to provide separation of pedestrian and vehicular movement.
(Ord. 30-2007. Passed 12-20-07.)