A commercial loading area shall have minimum dimensions of not less than twelve feet in width, fifty feet in length, exclusive of driveways and other circulation areas, and a height clearance minimum of fifteen feet. In addition to this, the following conditions and restrictions apply.
   (a)   Off-street loading spaces shall be provided on the same lot as the principal business.
   (b)   One loading area shall be maintained for every separate business requiring delivery of goods or raw material and having a gross floor area of up to 5,000 square feet. Additional loading areas will be provided at a rate of one for each additional 10,000 square feet.
   (c)   All loading shall be located behind the principal structure, unless the Planning Commission determines that such location is not in the best interest of the district or it creates an undue hardship for a particular type of business.
      (Ord. 30-2007. Passed 12-20-07.)