All processes, which by their very nature, emit excessive noise, smoke, airborne particulates, odors or presents a high risk of explosion, contamination or fire must be approved as a special use following the guidelines established in Chapter 1105.
   The following are examples of facilities that would be classified as a special use:
   (a)   Petroleum processing and storage facilities.
   (b)   Chemical manufacturing facilities.
   (c)   Facilities that manufacture or assemble explosive ordnance.
   (d)   Industrial waste disposal, processing or transfer facilities.
   (e)   Scrap metal recycling and processing facilities.
   (f)   Ethanol processing facilities.
   (g)   Livestock handling and processing facilities.
   (h)   Cement and asphalt manufacturing and processing facilities.
            Refer to table in Chapter 1109
(Ord. 30-2007. Passed 12-20-07.)