Manufacturing and assembly processes in which the materials, equipment, and process used are moderately quiet and free of objectionable and hazardous elements. Light manufacturing activities will consist of the activities listed below or those of a similar nature:
(a) Electronic equipment and components.
(b) Small appliance manufacturing.
(c) Lumber storage and dealers.
(d) Warehouses.
(e) Printing and publishing companies.
(f) Grain and feed dealers.
(g) Bottling and canning facilities.
(h) Major automotive and truck repair facilities.
(i) Paper products manufacturing.
(j) Pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities.
(k) Commercial research and testing laboratories.
(l) Wholesale distribution facilities.
(m) Contractor supply and office operations.
(n) Agricultural product distribution.
(o) Commercial laundry and dry cleaning operations.
(p) Accessory uses and buildings customarily incidental to any permitted uses.
(q) Any other use deemed by the Planning Commission to be of similar nature to those identified in this section. (Ord. 30-2007. Passed 12-20-07.)