(a)   The Planning Commission of the City, hereby adopts a comprehensive plan to provide for the establishment in the City of zoning districts within which the use of land, and/or structures for residence, trade or industry, the density of population, the height, the number of stories, the area, the size and the location of buildings, yards, courts and open spaces, the light and ventilation of buildings, and development within floodways may be regulated; providing for the discontinuance of nonconforming uses and structures; providing definitions for certain terms; providing for amendments, supplements or changes thereto; establishing a Board of Zoning Appeals, providing for conflicts with other resolutions; and providing penalties for violation of this resolution; in accordance with the provisions of Ohio R.C. 713.06 to 713.13, all of which is marked Exhibit “A” and “B” attached to original Resolution 1060 and made a part hereof.
   (b)   The Planning Commission hereby certifies the foregoing comprehensive plan to Council to be placed on file with the Clerk of Council for public examination pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code. (Res. 1060. Passed 11-28-70.)