A PUD district overlays an existing zoning district or districts. The establishment of a PUD, pursuant to this chapter, is a four-step process that is summarized below and defined in Sections 1135.10 through 1135.13 of this chapter.
   (a)   Step 1 - Establishment of the PUD. The PUD is established by the Municipal Council as a zoning map amendment pursuant to Chapter 1141 , Amendments. The approval or denial of the establishment of a PUD is a legislative action by the Municipal Council, with a recommendation by the Planning Commission.
   (b)   Step 2 - Pre-Application Meeting. The applicant shall be required to meet with Municipal staff prior to the submittal of Preliminary Development Plan. No approval or denial of the Preliminary Development Plan will be administered during this step.
   (c)   Step 3 - Preliminary Development Plan. A Preliminary Development Plan must be reviewed and acted on by the Planning Commission.
   (d)   Step 4 - Final Development Plan. A Final Development Plan must be reviewed and acted on by Planning Commission. Action on the Final Development Plan by the Planning Commission is final.
      (Ord. 03-105. Passed 1-20-04.)