The operator of any new or expanded commercial or industrial facility involving the use, handling, storage, processing or storage of hazardous materials or waste shall prepare a Hazardous Substance Management Plan for review by the Planning Commission. The plan must demonstrate that the best management practices shall be used by the applicant to minimize any potential threat to groundwater quality. The plan will also be submitted to the Montgomery Greene County Local Emergency Response Committee for review and comment and shall contain the following information:
   (a)   A facility layout and description
   (b)   Procedures for safe handling
   (c)   A description of disposal methods for process waste
   (d)   Procedures to be employed to prevent leaks and spills of hazardous or regulated substances
   (e)   An Emergency Spill Plan that covers the following:
      (1)   Emergency procedures
   (2)   Notification of officials
      (3)   Spill containment procedures
      (4)   Cleanup
      (5)   Disposal
      (6)   Reporting
   The plan must be reviewed by the Germantown Planning Commission every five (5) years from date of approval and whenever there is a change in procedures, technology or materials used, stored, processed or waste generated.
(Ord. 00-60. Passed 9-18-2000.)