(a)    Council hereby adopts the following rules and procedures:
      (1)    Order of Business. The following order of business for all regular meetings of Council is suggested. The initial order of business for any regular meeting shall be as set forth on the written agenda. That agenda and its order of business may be changed at any time during the meeting passed by affirmative vote of the majority of Council members present.
         A.    Pledge of Allegiance.
         B.    Roll call.
         C.   Public Recognition.
         D.   Citizen’s Comments.
         E.    City Manager’s Report.
         F.    Clerk's of Council’s Report.
         G.    Law Director's Report.
         H.   Mayor’s Report.
         I.   Council Member Reports.
         J.   Consent Agenda.
         K.   Legislation.
         L.   Other Business.
         M.   Adjournment.
            (Ord. 22-72. Passed 12-5-22.)
      (2)    Agenda. An agenda of business to be considered by Council and copies of all ordinances and resolutions listed thereon and other pertinent material shall be prepared and delivered to each Council member at least forty-eight hours prior to each regular meeting of Council. It shall set forth the title of each ordinance or resolution to be considered and any pertinent comments concerning the measure together with a list of known individuals who wish to appear and address themselves to the measure and such other matters as are to be brought to the attention of Council.
   Any person may request that a matter of business be placed on the agenda provided sufficient notice is given the Manager for its preparation. All officers of the Municipality and members of the public are urged to cooperate with the Manager in making the agenda complete and accurate. While nothing in this section will prevent the introduction of new business not listed on the agenda, Council may require additional time to study any matter not included on the agenda.
         (Ord. 1355. Passed 5-16-77.)
      (3)    Council meetings. Except as otherwise provided by the Charter, all meetings of Council or its committees thereof shall be public. Any person desiring to address Council shall first secure the permission of the Presiding Officer to do so. Priority in speaking shall be given to those presenting to the Clerk of Council a written request to address Council.
   Each person addressing Council shall rise, give their name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record and, unless further time is granted by the Presiding Officer, shall limit their address to five minutes. All remarks shall be addressed to Council as a body, to any member thereof or to the administration or any member thereof. Speakers shall be courteous in their language and avoid personalities. No person other than Council, the administration and the person having the floor, shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through a member of Council, without the permission of the Presiding Officer. No questions shall be asked of a member of Council or by a member of Council except through the Presiding Officer.
         (Ord. 92-70. Passed 12-7-92.)
      (4)    Reading of the Minutes. At each meeting the minutes of the preceding meeting shall be read, unless the reading shall be dispensed with by consent of a majority of Council members present. If no objection is made to the minutes, the same shall be approved. If more than one set of minutes is to be read, they shall be read and approved individually. (Ord. 1355. Passed 5-16-77.)
      (5)    A.    Committee as a Whole. Council may, by motion, adjourn a regular or special Council meeting into a committee of the whole or convene the Council as a committee of the whole pursuant to the Charter and the Codified Ordinances of the Municipality.
         B.    Council Liaison. The Mayor shall, subject to approval of Council, appoint a Council member to act as the Council liaison to the Manager for the following areas of concern:
            1.    Safety.
            2.    Water, Sewer and Solid Waste.
            3.    Recreation.
            4.    Streets, Alleys and Storm Drainage.
            5.    Finance.
            6.    Personnel.
It is the intention of this legislation to encourage the liaison Council member to gain special knowledge in the area of concern assigned through attending seminars, course study, independent reading and discussions with the Manager and to report such information back to the Council as the Council member deems appropriate. (Ord. 00-79. Passed 10-16-2000.)
      (6)    Special Committees. The Mayor may from time to time, subject to approval of Council, create special committees for limited purposes. Such special committees shall be composed of a minimum of three Council members Special committees shall exist only for that length of time required to complete their purpose. Special committees may appoint such citizen advisors as they deem necessary with the approval of the majority of Council. Such citizen advisors shall not have a vote.
         (Ord. 92-59. Passed 9-8-92.)
   (b)    In the absence of any rule upon the matter of business, Council shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order.
   (c)    The Law Director shall serve as Parliamentarian, ruling on all questions of procedure. (Ord. 1355. Passed 5-16-77.)
   (d)   The presiding officer shall enforce orderly conduct at all meetings. The Chief of Police, or his or her designee, shall serve as Sergeant-at-Arms of the Council in the enforcement of the provisions of these rules at the direction of the presiding officer and within bounds of existing law. (Ord. 08-21. Passed 5-5-08.)