As used in this chapter:
   (a)   "Contractor" means any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind licensed to collect rubbish, refuse and garbage in the Municipality.
   (b)   "Recyclable material" or "recyclables" means materials having an economic value in the secondary materials market. The following materials have such economic value and may be expanded or reduced depending on the nature of the market; aluminum cans and articles, bi-metal cans, glass containers, plastic beverage containers, computer printout paper, office paper, steel cans and newspapers.
   (c)   "Refuse" means and includes municipal solid waste as defined by the U.S. and Ohio EPA consisting of discarded products/materials incident to housekeeping and commercial enterprises as further defined under sections pertaining to garbage and rubbish, and that waste incident to the use, preparation and storage of food for human consumption. It shall include spoiled fruit and dead animals.
   (d)   "Garbage" means and includes all waste, animal, fish, fowl, fruit and vegetable matter.
   (e)   "Rubbish" means and includes the miscellaneous waste material and refuse from housekeeping and ordinary mercantile enterprises, and includes packing boxes, cartons, excelsior, non-recyclable paper, ashes, cinders, tin cans, non-recyclable bottles, non-recyclable metals, etc.
   (f)   "Construction waste" means waste from building construction, alterations or repair, and dirt from excavation, and unusual or special manufacturing or trade waste not classified as municipal waste. This type of waste may be collected by the contractor but shall not be reflected in the cost of the residential refuse contract.
   (g)   "Yard waste" means woodchips, branches, leaves, grass and other organic materials grown on-site.
   (h)   "Compost materials" means yard waste, wood products, wood pallets, cardboard, and any other product deemed acceptable for composting by the Montgomery County Solid Waste District.
   (i)   "Residential unit" means one or more rooms designed for or used by one family or housekeeping unit for living and sleeping purposes.
   (j)   "Multi-family residence" or "apartment" means a building or portion thereof designed for or used by three or more families or housekeeping units living independent of one another.
   (k)   "Manager" means the Municipal Manager of Germantown.
      (Ord. 93-04. Passed 2-1-93.)