(A)   Required. The plumbing and drainage system of each new building and of new work installed in an existing building or premises, shall except as hereinafter provided, have an independent connection with a public sewer if such a sewer exists in the street or alley upon which the property abuts.
   (B)   Common lateral. When approved by the Building Inspector, more than one house or building situated on the same premises may be connected to the same lateral, providing each connection is to a wye (Y). In the event of a subsequent subdivision of the premises into two or more tracts, whether by recorded plat, a deed, or a contract to sell, the permit shall expire on the date of such plat, deed, or contract and the permit shall so state, and all connections in excess of one to the lateral shall be removed and connections of the houses or other buildings to separate laterals shall be installed by the owners upon receiving a permit therefor from the Building Inspector, within 30 days after the date of plat, deed, or contract.
   (C)   Permit. The application for a permit to connect more than one house or other building situated on the same premises to the same lateral shall be in writing and shall include the drawing of the connections existing and proposed and such other information as the Building Inspector shall require. The application shall be accompanied by a written agreement with the city and recordable and otherwise in such form as the Building Inspector shall prescribe and signed and acknowledged by the owners of record and contract purchases, if any, of the premises on which the connections are to be made, wherein such owners covenant on behalf also, of all successors in interest to the premises or any part thereof, that upon a subdivision of the property, all connections will be removed and reconnected as provided in division (B) above and the amount of the fee chargeable by the Register of Deeds for recording such agreement shall accompany the application and the Building Inspector shall cause such agreement to be recorded with the Register of Deeds forthwith after issuance of the permit.
(Prior Code, § 150.089)