§ 32.70 POLICY.
   It is the policy of the town to invest public funds in a manner which will provide the highest investment return with maximum security while meeting all liquidity and operating demands of the town. All investments must conform to all applicable state and local statutes governing the investment of public funds. Pursuant to Ordinance G-18-02, Resolution R 18-02 and I.C. 5-13-9-5.7, the Town Council does hereby adopt this written investment policy. The investment of public funds shall be made in accordance with I.C. 5-13-9-5.7. The investment of public funds shall be made with the approval of the investing officer and Town Council, as set forth in this subchapter. This investment policy shall expire four years from adoption, unless modified or rescinded prior thereto.
(Res. R-18-02, passed 1-30-2018)