(A)   A SWQMP shall be considered open and active until the time when the town accepts the site conditions, as-built requirements have been completed, and a long-term operation and maintenance agreement has been accepted.
   (B)   Acceptance of site conditions shall be made by the town through inspection. If any of the following items are deemed to be insufficient, not appropriate, and/or inconsistent with the SWPPP or objectives stated in this chapter, then approval will not be granted:
      (1)   Pipes, channels, catch basins, water quality treatment devices, and other infrastructure are clear of sediment, obstructions, and debris, and are designed and operating as appropriate for final site conditions;
      (2)   Slopes are permanently stabilized;
      (3)   Temporary erosion prevention or sediment control devices (such as silt fence and staking, outlet protection, and the like) have been removed (as appropriate) and any resulting soil disturbance stabilized;
      (4)   Temporary pollution prevention practices have been demobilized, removed, and/or affected areas stabilized;
      (5)   Sediment has been removed and slopes stabilized for permanent flood control and water quality control practices;
      (6)   Detention pond grading is stabilized and/or excess sediment removed so that actual volume is at least equal to design volume and condition; and/or
      (7)   Other items as deemed important by the town.
(Ord. G-12-02, passed 1-17-2012)