(A)   For the once-weekly curbside garbage collection, once-weekly recycling collection, once-monthly (in season) yard waste/brush collection and twice-annual Junk Day, the single-family residential garbage collection fee for in-town residences is: $15 per month. (Internal accounting directive: $2 of this fee shall be used to offset recycling expenses. The remaining $9 shall be used to offset all other garbage collection expenses within the Sanitation Utility Fund.)
   (B)   For in-town multi-family residences, the collection fee shall be $15 for the first unit, and $12 for each additional unit, if billing is in accordance with the multi-family building rate.
   (C)   For out of town residential collection, the fee shall be $18 per month.
   (D)   For out of town multi-family residences, the collection fee shall be $18 for the first unit, and $15 for each additional unit, if billing is in accordance with the multi-family building rate.
   (E)   For once weekly, curbside garbage collection, once monthly (in season) yard waste/brush collection, and twice annual Junk Day, the commercial garbage collection fee is: $30 per month.
   (F)   For out of town commercial collection, the fee shall be $36 per month.
(2005 Code, § 51.21)  (Ord. G-07-29, passed 9-20-2007; Res. R-08-03, passed 3-18-2008)