(A)   Garbage is collected at curbside once weekly, with exact collection days dependent upon where an individual house is located in the town and the established collection routes.
   (B)   Garbage containers shall not exceed 45 gallons in size, if they are plastic, or 30 gallons in size, if they are metal. Loose garbage bags shall be tied at the top and shall not exceed 30 gallons in size. The loaded weight of any garbage container shall not exceed 50 pounds. If, when a container becomes broken/damaged to the point that it can no longer be safely handled by a town garbage collection employee, it shall be left at curbside, unemptied.
   (C)   The town’s garbage collection employees shall not throw or kick garbage cans after emptying them. Each container will be placed back on the ground at or near the location from which the container was picked up. By the same token, the town employee is not responsible for wind or other forces which may subsequently blow the container over, or where the container may roll after it falls over.
(2005 Code, § 51.03) (Ord. G-08-10A, passed 3-18-2008)