(A)   Approval of travel to conference. The department head must approve all travel to conferences.
   (B)   Lodging. The town will pay for lodging if the conference requires overnight travel at the current government rate. Lodging will be paid for if the conference/training is over 45 miles from the Town Hall.
   (C)   Travel. The Town Official or Employee may use a town owned vehicle. The approved employee shall take a town gas card if they use a town owned vehicle with them during the trip and provide gas receipts to the Accounts Payable Clerk after the trip. If the officer or employee chooses to use their personal vehicle, then travel reimbursement of the officers or employees shall be fixed at the rate set by the State of Indiana. This rate will fluctuate as changes are made to the State set rate quarterly. The Personal Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement Report Form (attachment #1 to Ordinance G-23-11) will need to be completed and approved by the Council to receive reimbursement.
   (D)   Meals. Town Officials or Employees traveling to overnight conferences or training on official town business may claim reimbursement for meals, tax on meals, and a reasonable gratuity (20% or less). Meals will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $50 per day. Alcohol purchases will not be reimbursed. Proper documentation (receipts) for all expenses to be reimbursed must be given to the Clerk Treasurer's office. If meals are provided at the conference or training, the employee must eat at the conference and only be reimbursed if the meals are not provided. The Travel Expense Reimbursement Report (attachment #2 to Ordinance G-23-11) will need to be completed and approved by the Council to receive reimbursement. All receipts need to be itemized.
(Ord. G-23-11, passed 11-20-2023)