Installation of pressure building sewers, service connections and taps on the low pressure sewer main shall be the responsibility and costs of the property owner. All construction shall be in accordance with the following specifications. Installation of said services shall be made by the property owner, an immediate family member, or a contractor licensed with Ottawa County’s Sanitary Engineering Department. An “immediate family member” shall be fined as a current spouse, parent, stepparent, child, stepchild, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, mother-in-law, father-in-law and grandparents.
   (a)   Item 1. Each property owner shall be required to secure a permit to connect or repair a building sewer from the Village of Genoa billing office. The building sewer shall be installed and tested in accordance with these specifications. An authorized representative of the Village of Genoa shall inspect all work.
   (b)   Item 2. Permits shall be valid for a period of 120 days from the date of issuance. The property owner or contractor shall give the Village 24 hours notice prior to commencing work. No work shall be covered until the inspector has reviewed and approved the work. Any work covered prior to approval shall be uncovered by the property owner or contractor at their expense.
   (c)   Item 3. A separate and independent service connection and building sewer shall be made for each building or structure unless otherwise approved by the Village of Genoa. Common pressure service connections are acceptable when a duplex grinder pump services more than one structure.
   (d)   Item 4. If a service connection is not available, the property owner or licensed contractor shall make a new tap on the low-pressure sewer main. A “Stainless Seal” service saddle as manufactured by Romac Industries shall be used when making a tap on a low-pressure sewer main of four (4) inches in diameter or larger. A new tee with a repair (slip) coupler shall be used as taps on low- pressure mains less than four (4) inches in diameter. All materials and methods used for tapping in the mains shall be as specified or as approved by the Village of Genoa. A minimum of 1-1/2" diameter pipe shall be used for pressure service connections. All taps on the main and service connections shall be bedded and surrounded with No. 67 (or No. 57) granular material. All low- pressure service connections shall be a minimum of four (4) feet deep from the crown of the pipe to the surface of the ground. All taps on sewer mains shall be under supervision of the Village Inspector.
   (e)   Item 5. At the end of the pressure service connection (at the right-of-way or easement line), a curb stop (valve) and curb box shall be installed. Valve boxes shall be constructed of a good grade of cast iron; shall be coated and shall be of the three (3) piece screw type; shall be provided with a heavy neat fitting cover having the word “SEWER” cast on top. The base of the curb (valve) box shall cover the entire bonnet section of the valve. Valve boxes shall be sufficient length for the depth of the cover shown. The top of the cover shall be flush with the surrounding surface with each section properly engaged. Typical size curb stop and box specifications shall be as follows:
CURB STOP (ball valve):
      1-1/2" x 1-1/2" MPT (BRASS) ball valve    FORD B11-666
CURB BOX (valve box)
      Buffalo” box top (lid- SEWER)      TYLER 6500 series
Each pressure service connection shall have a check valve between the grinder pump and within eighteen (18) inches of the curb stop (ball valve) to ensure maximum protection against backflow in the event of a sewer main break or problem. The check valve shall be a gravity-operated flapper type with a full- ported passageway when open and shall introduce a friction loss of less than six (6) inches of water at a maximum rated flow.
   A non-metallic hinge shall be an integral part of the flapper assembly providing maximum degrees of freedom for assured seating at a very low backpressure. The specifications for typical size check valves are as follows:
Gravity-operated flapper type KING BROS. 1-1/2 x 1-1/2" F.I.P. (2010 or 2012)
   (f)   Item 6. The Village of Genoa has the authority to allow or disallow the use of any material or construction methods for building sewers, service connections, and taps at any time. All joints shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
         Polyethylene Tubing AWWA C901, SDR 9      ASTM D2737
      –   Mechanical Compression Connections
      –   Insert stiffeners for connections
      –   1-1/2" (2010 and 2012), 2" (2014)
      PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride SDR 21)         ASTM D2241*
      PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride SDR 26)         ASTM D2241*
      *   Larger diameter pressure building sewers or collection sewer (greater than two (2) inches in diameter).
Polyethylene Tubing Mechanical Compression--Mueller H15428 or -P-15428
PVC (joints for SDR 21 and SDR 26)      ASTM D3212
   (g)   Item 7. Low-pressure service connections, building sewers, and force mains with a diameter of less than two (2) inches shall be bedded with four (4) inches of No. 67 (or No. 57) granular material free of rocks or frozen material. Low Pressure service connections and building sewer with a diameter of two (2) inches or greater may be installed without granular bedding provided the trench bottom is smooth and free of rocks, clods, and frozen material. Low-pressure pipe installed without granular bedding, as stated above, shall be installed in accordance with the pipe manufacturer’s recommendations and shall be subject to the approval of the inspector. All pressure pipe installed in areas of rock shall be bedded at all times.
   (h)   Item 8. Low-pressure sewer pipe shall be carefully embedded, tamped, and backfilled with material free of frozen, lumpy, saturated, or other non- compactable material. All except in paved areas (or within 2 feet of paved areas) shall be backfilled with ODOT 304 material, or in accordance with the requirements of the road-opening permit (if applicable), if stricter. Celotex type material shall not be permitted in sanitary sewer trenches.
   (i)   Item 9. Any public or private utility service structure or line shall be maintained at a minimum of five (5) feet horizontal clearance between said building sewer and said utility. It is recommended that pressure sewer pipe be located at least eighteen (18) inches below water service lines.
   (j)   Item 10. All pressure building sewers and service connections shall be water tested by the property owner or licensed contractor under the supervision of the Village inspector. Upon approval by the Village inspector, careful backfilling may commence.
   (k)   Item 11. Grinder pumps shall be purchased by the property owner. A letter of agreement must be signed by the owner understanding that this grinder pump system is a convenience and must be abandoned when the owner’s property has direct access to a conventional gravity public sanitary sewer. This agreement is included with these regulations.
   (l)   Item 12. Grinder pumps shall be installed by the property owner or licensed contractor in accordance with these specifications and under recommendations of the manufacturer.
   (m)   Item 13. The property owner or licensed contractor shall be responsible for burying the two (2) direct burial electrical cables in accordance with the County Building Standards codes and regulations for the control and alarms of the grinder pump. The wires shall be buried at a minimum depth of twenty-four (24) inches. Wires placed in a rigid non-metallic conduit shall be at a minimum depth of eighteen (18) inches. If the wires are placed in a rigid metal conduit, the minimum depth shall be six (6) inches. The property owner or licensed contractor shall leave at least two (2) feet of the wires exposed and coiled at the outside of the grinder pump near the inlet “eyes” into the grinder pump. At the structure, the property owner or licensed contractor shall install the wires in a rigid conduit from the under-ground into the G.P. control panel on the structure with at least one (1) foot extra of the wires coiled in the control panel.
   (n)   Item 14. The grinder pump electrical control panel shall be installed by the property owner or licensed contractor on the main structure located on the same property as the grinder pump. Typically, the panel shall be near the structure’s electric meter and within site of the grinder pump, when possible. The power for the grinder pump and alarm system shall come from the property owner’s structure. The property owner or licensed contractor shall connect the power supply of the structure to the control panel in accordance with State and local codes and in accordance with the electric utilities regulations. The owner or licensed contractor shall make the final electrical connection of the direct burial wires to the grinder pump unit and to the pre-energized control panel. The owner or licensed contractor shall then install and “start-up” the grinder pump core when operations of the grinder pump are ready to begin.
   (o)   Item 15. All grinder pumps shall be properly vented in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. The manufacturer’s requirements include three (3) options that are available to vent to the grinder pump properly:
      #1.   This option is only available if the grinder pump is equipped with a special opening through the side of and near the top of the grinder pump can (accessway). This design will allow for the installation of a Pressure Control Vent inside the accessway to vent to the wet wall of the grinder pump.
      #2.   A Pressure Control Vent can be installed anywhere along a six (6) inch diameter gravity building sewer. This option will allow the property owner to conceal the Pressure Control Vent near the structure if so designed.
      #3.   A Pressure Control Vent can be installed on a four (4) inch diameter gravity-building sewer only if the vent is located within six (6) feet of grinder pump inlet.
   Grinder pumps, such as G.P.2s(212) and Duplex G.P.s(214), shall have all incoming building sewers vented in accordance with one of three (3) options stated above. When option #3 above is utilized for multiple incoming building sewers, the Pressure Control Vents from each incoming sewer may be connected underground with one vent pipe rising above the surface of the ground. The opening to the vent shall be entirely covered by protective screening material.
   In no case, shall the Pressure Control Vent be smaller than (2) inches in diameter. The above ground section of the vent pipe shall extend up into a 180 degrees elbow with the opening of the vent (elbow) being above the 100 year flood elevation of 578 and no less than eight (8) inches above the surface of the ground. The opening to vent shall be entirely covered by protective screening material.
   All Pressure Control Vents shall be properly braced or reinforced for protection by using supporting backfill material. If the vent is backfilled with stone or other noncompactible material, additional bracing, such as a stake, shall be installed for support. The installation of Pressure Control Vents shall be subject to the approval of the Village inspector.
   (p)   Item 16. No building sewer shall be installed parallel and within five (5) feet of any bearing wall (outside foundation) of a structure. The building sewer shall be installed in a straight alignment insofar as possible.
   (q)   Item 17. Building sewers shall remain on the property of the permit holder only, unless an easement has been signed and recorded by the adjoining property owners granting permission to construct and maintain a building sewer through the adjoining property. A copy of the recorded easement shall be given to the Village of Genoa to keep on file. Common pressure building sewers and service connections shall only be permitted when two (2) or more property owners are sharing a grinder pump as permitted by these specifications and the rules and regulations.
   (r)   Item 18. Contractors shall be required to meet safety standards in accordance with applicable O.S.H.A. guidelines. The Village shall not be liable for licensed contractors violating such regulations/guidelines. All building sewer excavations shall be adequately guarded with barricades, lights and any other acceptable or necessary methods so as to protect the public from hazards. The Village inspector shall reserve the right to immediately shut down a job that may appear to be hazardous or life threatening. Work shall not be permitted to continue until the matter has been resolved.
   (s)   Item 19. No property owner or contractor shall open any pavement on any public or private property without first receiving written permission from the property owner(s) or governing agency. In paved areas, the backfill shall be thoroughly compacted and a temporary surface of bituminous cold mix placed in the trench area. Permanent replacement of the pavement shall be with the same type of materials as were removed and approved by the proper governing agency. All surplus excavated material shall be removed from the site to a location satisfactory to the Village. The berms and pavement shall be left in substantially the same condition as it was before construction was started. All of the above mentioned work and material shall be performed in accordance with the standard specifications of the Ohio Department of Transportation, Ottawa County, Village of Genoa, Township officials or other governing agencies.
   (t)   Item 20. Any person or contractor doing work under the Village of Genoa’s “Rules and Regulations” and “Construction Specifications” and who is responsible for the use of explosive or other dangerous materials shall abide by all applicable laws, which include Section 2923.18 of the Ohio Revised Code, application shall be made to the Ottawa County Sheriff, and upon approval of the qualified applicant and payment of the appropriate fees, a license or temporary permit will be issued. A copy of the license shall be provided to the Village of Genoa and Ottawa County Sanitary Engineering Department to keep on file.
   (u)   Item 21. All locations of sanitary sewers and appurtenance shall be subject to the approval of the Village of Genoa or their authorized representative.
   (v)   Item 22. The property owner shall be responsible for the operations and maintenance of their own building sewer. Should the Village of Genoa determine that any building sewer is not functioning properly, permitting excessive ground water infiltration to enter the public sewer, or is in any way affecting the proper operation of the public sewer collection system and treatment facilities, the property owner, shall, at his/her own expense, correct the cause satisfactory to the Village of Genoa. If the property owner fails to act upon orders of the Village of Genoa to correct the building sewer, the Village of Genoa shall disconnect the building sewer in the public right of way or easement area at the expense of the property owner.
      (Ord. 47-04. Passed 9-7-04.)