When any private sewer connected with any public sewer becomes obstructed, broken or out of order, the owner, agent or tenant of such premises shall repair same at the owner's expense. No person shall construct, relay, repair or extend any private sewer until the person making the same shall obtain a private sewer permit from the proper issuing agency or department of the city. Upon obtaining said permit, the owner, agent or tenant shall make said repairs within the next five (5) day period and notice in writing shall be given to such owner or occupant, specifying the time within which said repair must be completed or the approving authority shall have the power in all cases to cause such repair to be made. If such owner or occupant shall fail, neglect or refuse to complete repairs within the time specified, the approving authority shall report the same to the council and the council shall immediately, either at a regular meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose, cause said repairs to be completed and the costs shall be assessed against the lands or premises of the owner. The same shall be reported to the council as to the amount of such assessments for said work. The costs shall constitute a lien upon said land and premises.
It shall be unlawful for any person to extend any private sewer beyond the limits of the building or property for which a permit has been given without obtaining an additional permit for the desired extension. (Ord. 268, 7-6-1982)