4-1-7: USER FEES:
   A.   Fees Established: User fees may be charged to users of the solid waste system as the board deems necessary to support all or part of the system. Said fees may be established at any time by the board through adoption of a resolution setting forth the fees to be charged. Such resolution may be amended by the board at any time to accommodate changes in the fee system and/or operating policies as deemed appropriate by the board.
   B.   Force And Effect Of Resolution: A resolution establishing fees shall remain in full force and effect until repealed or amended. All previously adopted resolutions of the board which are not inconsistent with the terms of this chapter are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.
   C.   Payment Required: No person shall dispose of waste in or on a solid waste system component without paying the established fee or other obligation.
   D.   Credit Privileges:
      1.   Monthly Billing: Those persons who have been extended credit privileges will be billed monthly for the fees incurred for using portions of the solid waste system.
      2.   When Due: Payments are due on the fifteenth day of the month following the month during which the fees were incurred.
      3.   Late Payment Charge: Late payments will be charged with a one and one-half percent (11/2%) late payment charge for each month during which payment is due. Repeated late payments may result in suspension of the credit privilege.
      4.   Notice Of Arrearage: If a payment is thirty (30) days in arrears, a notice will be sent by certified mail to the person owing the fee. (Ord. 93-03, 7-12-1993)
      5.   Collection Action: If the account is not brought current within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice, the matter will be turned over to the prosecuting attorney for collection. If a lawsuit is filed, the debtor will be assessed attorney fees, court costs, and interest. (Ord. 93-03, 7-12-1993; amd. 2002 Code)
   E.   Appeal: Should a person owing a user fee imposed by resolution disagree with the amount or the imposition of the fee, such party or entity may appeal the fee before the board. The procedures for any such appeal shall be established through the passage of a resolution by the board. (Ord. 93-03, 7-12-1993)